Relationship Problems and How to Fix Them: Tips from an Expert

two people walking down a dirt road in the fog.

This week I want to share with you an article I came across in Time online, which explores the four most common problems couples face, along with some on-target suggestions for how to fix them. I’ll be honest, I usually tend to skeptically raise an eyebrow when I come across articles like this one—but, in this case, I was pleasantly surprised. The author really did his homework. To find out what problems couples most commonly face, he turned to Dr. John Gottman, a premier expert in romantic relationships and a pioneer in couples therapy research. Gottman’s research on the strengths that characterize successful relationships and the pitfalls that characterize the not-so-successful ones has significantly influenced my work with couples. So it seems appropriate that I should share this article with you.

If you’re looking to strengthen your relationship, you’ll certainly find the information in the article to be helpful. But, of course, tips like the ones contained within it are only beneficial if you put them to use. If you believe your relationship could use some fine tuning, couples therapy may be the right choice for you. Contact me for a free consultation! 305-814-4863

Happy reading!




Taking the Plunge: Vulnerability and Authenticity in Intimate Relationships

a person making a heart shape with their hands.

Human beings are wired for connection. It’s in our DNA. But as much as our nature primes us to connect with others, we often struggle to make and maintain these connections. Part of the reason for this difficulty is that connection requires quite a bit of risk. To truly experience intimacy with another human being, we have to be willing to be vulnerable and show up with our full selves. For most of us, this means tapping into raw emotions and deep desires that are difficult for us to confront, let alone share with another person.

Drawing from a model of couples therapy that urges partners to access and share their emotions so they can strengthen their connection, Dr. John Amadeo talks about the power of being authentic in our intimate relationships. Check out his thought-provoking article here, and share your thoughts with me. What do you think makes authenticity such a challenge? What are some ways you could become more authentic in your relationships?