a woman sitting in the grass holding a circular mirror.

If you’re unhappy with your body and the reflection you see in the mirror, you may be interested to learn that self-compassion is linked with a more positive body image and sense of self-acceptance. It can lead you to appreciate your body for all that it can do, rather than hating it and feeling shameful about the parts of it you judge and criticize. Having compassion for yourself means treating your body with love and respect.


Compassion-Focused Therapy is one of the approaches we use at Evergreen Therapy to treat body image issues and eating disorders. This therapeutic approach is designed to enhance your level of self-kindness, your connection with others, and your use of mindfulness in everyday life. Through this form of therapy, you can learn how to treat your body with care and how to silence that inner critic that makes you feel shameful towards yourself. If you’ve been struggling with body image issues or disordered eating, you might consider working with a compassion-focused therapist to start developing more acceptance toward yourself. In the meantime, here are a few ways you can begin cultivating self-compassion on your own:


  1. Treat your body the way you’d treat a friend, or the way you wish your friend would treat their own body. 

This practice really puts things into perspective. Think of someone you love. Would you want them to be as hard on themselves as you are on yourself? Imagine if you heard them being self-critical about their appearance. What would you say to them? Turn these words into self-kindness as you look at your reflection and say them to yourself. As you direct these words inward, remember that your body allows you to be in this world and experience life. Treat it with gratitude for all it can do, and see it as your ally—a friend who supports you every day.


  1. Give yourself supportive touch.

Physical touch can help you calm down when you are upset. One way to do this is by placing your hand on your heart. Tune into this sensation. Gently breathe in and out, making your exhalations longer than your inhalations. You can repeat a mantra to yourself when doing this, to quiet your inner critic, such as: I am safe, I am beautiful, I am worthy of love.


  1. Express your emotions through journaling.

Journaling is a great way to release the pain you might be feeling inside. Writing gives you a space to express yourself and let go of the shame you feel about your body. Begin by thinking about a moment when you felt unhappy about your body. Tune into the emotions associated with that moment, and write about that experience without judging yourself for how you felt in the moment. No one is perfect, including you. Reflect on this through your journaling, as imperfection is a part of the human experience. Finally, write something kind towards yourself. Compassionate self-talk makes it easier for you to love and accept your body as it is.


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