The start of a new year is an exciting time. It’s an opportunity to wipe the slate clean and approach the upcoming 365 days with new intentions. For many people, New Year’s Day is an occasion for setting resolutions in the spirit of self-improvement. But as we all know, even the most sincerely set resolutions often go unfulfilled. By the middle of the year, most people will have lost sight of what they promised themselves on January 1st. So how can you dodge this trend and follow through with your commitment? Start by following these five simple steps:
1) Reflect on Your Past Efforts
When setting resolutions for a new year, a good place to start is by reflecting on your efforts from previous years. Ask yourself: “What got in my way of sticking to previous years’ resolutions?” Then ask: “What goals have I been able to stick to and attain?” Take notes to get a sense of what works for you and what doesn’t. Learn from your own successes, and figure out how to bypass the obstacles that could keep you from fulfilling your resolution this year.
2) Set Clear and Reasonable Resolutions
Be clear about the change you want to achieve. “Getting in shape” isn’t very specific, but “fitting comfortably into that too-tight pair of skinny jeans in the closet” is. Once you’ve clarified the resolution, break it down into small, manageable objectives—something you can work on little by little. When you break the big goal down into incremental steps, you’ll find it’s easy to stay on track by doing a little something every day. Today it might be taking a walk around the neighborhood, tomorrow buying fresh produce at the local farmer’s market. Before you know it, you’re rocking the skinny jeans in April and feeling like a winner!
3) Be Kind to Yourself While You Work On Your Resolution
The way we speak to ourselves has a whole lot to do with how we feel, how we function, and whether we fulfill our resolutions. Think about it: If you had someone following you around all the time saying critical, insulting things to you, wouldn’t you feel defeated? So why would you say such things to yourself? Many of us walk around saying self-deprecating, even hurtful, things to ourselves, which saps our energy, keeping us from going after what we want. It’s important when setting resolutions and working toward them to act in a spirit of love and a desire to improve our lives.
4) Find a Way to Check in With Your Resolution EVERY DAY
Most people who fail to fulfill their new year’s resolution do so because they simply stop thinking about it. Despite their best intentions to do something different, life—and everything that comes with it—just gets in the way. But this doesn’t have to be the case. It doesn’t take much time or effort to make even major changes; sometimes all it takes is checking in with the resolution to keep it alive. The simplest way to do this is to write it down and keep it visible. Write it on your bathroom mirror, your refrigerator, your office desktop, your cell phone’s home screen, or all of the above! Make it a point to read the resolution every day, mindfully reminding yourself of what you set out to do at the start of the year. You’ll be amazed at how much this works to keep you on track!
5) Create an Audience of Affirmation
Commit yourself to change by making it known that you’ve set a goal for yourself. I call this creating an audience of affirmation. If your resolution for 2016 is to run a marathon, tell everyone you know about it (after you’ve registered for the race, of course). By creating an audience for your efforts, you’re implicitly committing yourself to completing it. Won’t it feel good to be able to tell your coworker, or sister-in-law, or neighbor that you’re up to 15 miles when they ask you five months from now how your training is going? Won’t it be wonderful to see your marathon medal on the mantelpiece next New Year’s Eve? Invite people into your process of change and transformation, and let their excitement for you serve as fuel to motivate your efforts.
May 2016 bring new opportunities for transformation, inspiration, growth, and positive change. Resolve to do it, put in the work, and revel in the joy of accomplishing what you set out to. Cheers!