We, women are remarkable creatures. We possess countless talents and offer so very much to the world. We are as yielding as we are fierce, as gentle as we are strong. We are highly capable and immeasurably valuable. We are also—well, most of us, at least—really, really . . . . . . . . tired.
Yes, you read that right. If you’re reading this and are also a woman, you probably know exactly what I’m talking about. No doubt it’s wonderful to be a woman; but it can also be a lot of other things. That’s because we are often a lot of things to a lot of people! We tend to play many roles, and we’re often expected to play them all well. And though we’re able to keep lots of plates spinning at once (quite expertly, at that), it’s nowhere near easy to do—sometimes it’s completely impossible!
Many of the female clients I’ve worked with over the years have made incredible changes in their lives with the goal of becoming the best imaginable version of themselves. They set out to do things like make gutsier choices, improve their relationships, treat themselves better, start exciting new ventures, have more fun, become more present for others, become more present for themselves, and the list goes on. I am regularly awestruck and inspired by the unbelievable things women are capable of achieving when they are at their healthiest, happiest, and most confident.
My dear friend and colleague, Dr. Olivia Schalpfer Colmer, LMFT, has had a similar experience in her work with clients. In a recent conversation at our local Starbucks, we came to the exciting realization that we could create a unique opportunity for women to connect with each other, share their experiences, set and accomplish goals, draw out their fierce feminine energy, and create their best lives.
We are thrilled to announce that this spring, we’ll be co-hosting a 6-week personal development group that we’ve lovingly entitled Warrior Women: Becoming Your Best Self. Click the flyer below for all the exciting details. I hope you’ll join us and give yourself the gift of discovering just how mighty you can be!
To learn more about Warrior Women or reserve your spot, call 305-814-4863.